The three sizes options are:
Starter Box (16-20 servings) - $33/month
Healthy Box (32-40 servings) - $66/month
Large Box (48-60 servings) - $99/month
(Shipping is an additional $6 per box. If you order more than one month at a time, you get a discount.)
So what do you get in a Healthy Surprise box? Well - check out my unboxing video to find out! (**Healthy Surprise offered to send me the Starter Box for review purposes - all opinions are my own**)
Matt's Munchies Premium Fruit Snack in Mango Acai - Value $2
This was delicious - it was kind of reminiscent of a fruit roll-up and tasted sweet but not overwhelmingly so. I would love to try their other flavors as well!
Sprouties Pumpkin Seeds 2oz - Value $1.98
These were...interesting. I did end up bringing them to work with me, and had some of the girls there try them too. They were described as "a mix between pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds", which I found to be pretty accurate. They are raw, which gives them a different texture than I am used to when eating pumpkin seeds. They also taste slightly green - if that makes sense. I don't know that they are my favorite plain, but they might be better on salad or with other foods.
Happy Hemp Toasted Hemp Seeds 2oz - Value $6
This stuff has more protein per serving than meat, fish, or tofu! You can add it to salads, granola, and cereals to give it a little crunch and some extra protein. I did NOT like these on their own - they had a very grassy flavor that I did not care for. But on a salad - YUM! I liked them a lot! And they are super healthy, so I feel good about adding them to things : )
Righteously Raw Chocolates Squares (Dark, Spice, and Mint) - Value $3.75
These were not what I was expecting, and I really didn't care for these. They are low on the glycemic index, so they have very little sweetener and they are VERY dark. They are between 80-83% raw cacao, and that's a LOT! Plus, the Synergy Spice flavor wasn't nutmeg and cinnamon spice - it actually packed some spicy heat!! I do not like spicy food, so that was an unpleasant surprise >_< Overall, probaby my least favorite items in the box.
Peter Rabbit Organics Pear and Pea Veg/Fruit Puree 4.4oz - Value $1.85
This is a portable pouch that is easy to give to small children when you are on the go. It is resealable, which is very convenient! The only ingredients are organic pear puree, organic pea puree and organic lemon juice concentrate (for freshness) - no added sugar or salt! And it is very tasty - just enough pear to make the pea almost indistinguishable! I would definitely give this to my kids (if I had any!).
MacroLife Naturals Miracle Reds Berri Berri Bar - Value $2.99
This bar was SO yummy - it was a little chewier than I was expecting, but it had a great fruit flavor. Every bar is 100% raw and natural ingredients, and this bar contains probiotics as well! A true superfood - I will almost definitely order more, especially since I got a coupon with this bar!
Oskri Dates Walnuts Bar - Value $1.25
This is one item that I haven't tried yet, but I think I'll like it. Dates have a natural sweetness to them, and I love walnuts. There is also crispy rice in this bar, which sounds awesome! These are dairy-free, vegetarian and gluten-free, so they will fit a lot of lifestyles.
Sesame-Mango Rawma Bar - Value $1.80
This bar is raw, sprouted and gluten-free. Also, a portion of the profits from the bars go to support cow protection! How sweet is that? The texture of this bar was a little too much for me, although the flavor was good. It was a little sweet, but it had a lot of the sesame flavor too. I am still on the fence about this one - maybe I have to try some other flavors to see if they are really for me!
SeaSnax Seaweed Snacks (Chipotle and Original) - Value $3
The tagline for these snacks is "It's Strangely Addictive!" - I'm not so sure that this applies to me, but it certainly applies to my husband! He tried the Chipotle flavor for me because I don't like spicy food, and after his first bite, he was in love! He also finished off my Original flavored SeaSnax. They are basically very thin, dried, crunchy sheets of seaweed. I have a feeling people either love it or hate it, and I am not on the side that loves it!
California Snax Kale Italiano Pizza Flavored Kale Chips - Value $4?
I could not find these ANYWHERE - so I'm totally guessing at the value. It's a decently sized bag, and this kind of snack is hard to come by! They smell amazing - just like pizza! It has a lot of different herbs and spices, and also has a "cheese" coating on it, which consists of almond and sunflower seed paste, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar (I think - according to the ingredient list?). They are crunchy and delicious, and I was not expecting to like these, but I do!!
TOTAL VALUE: about $28.62
Overall: I liked Healthy Surprise. I liked the variety of treats that were included. There were some things that I just did not care for, but you have to expect that when it comes to a box full of things you've never tried before! If I had paid for this box, I would have been disappointed with the cost versus the value (there was a $21 deficit!). I don't know if I will continue to subscribe, simply because this is one of the pricier subscription boxes I've come across, and I don't know if it will fit into the budget!
What do you think of July's Healthy Surprise box? Will you try it out?
Until next time.... <3